Kathmandu to Pokhara tourist bus Ticket
Kathmandu to Pokhara 200 Kilometers far and it takes 7 hours to reach pokhara by overland. All the tourist bus daily leaves at 7:00 am early morning from Kathmandu and pokhara to Kathmandu. we have Night bus as well these are depature from Kathmandu and pokhara at 7:30 or 8 PM.Nepal is country of different geography features, on the way you can see panoramic view of mountain, hills, water falls, valley, rocks and typical Nepali village made by mud and stone. We try to focus on tourist bus with luxurious service and arrange lunch with tourist friendly restaurant can serve Nepali and continental food.When you reach pokhara is natural paradise mixture of lake and snow capped Dhaulagiri ,Fistel, Annapurna massive on your front eye,cave,water falls, hindu and buddhist statue.
There are different tourist bus available according to their category tourist such as Deluxe Bus, Super Deluxe Bus, VIP Super Deluxe Bus.Along with pokhara we have daily tourist bus available to other major tourist destination like Chitwan,Lumbini etc.
Benchamark tourist bus (15$)
Benchmark tourist bus is daily tourist bus service from Kathmandu to pokhara and pokhara to Kathmandu.It has clean,comfortable seat with air condition and free wifi. It will be wonderful memory for departing tourists of the beautiful countryside of Nepal.

World Touch tourist bus (15$)
World Touch tourist bus is daily tourist bus service from Kathmandu to pokhara and pokhara to Kathmandu.It has clean,comfortable seat with air condition and free wifi.

Yeti Adventure (20$)

Yeti Adventure luxury tourist bus is daily depature from sorakhute 5 minutes walking distance from city center thamel.This bus leaves from bus Kathmandu to pokhara and pokhara to Kathmandu 7 am in the morning.It has clean, comfortable luxury sofa seat with air condition, free wifi, and (lunch package is exclude above price).

Jagadamba Tourist bus (20)
Jagadamba Tourist bus is Luxury bus depature 7 am and 8 pm from Katmandu to pokhara.If you are looking for comfortable journey you can remember us.It has luxury sofa seat,full air condition,free wifi, lunch available in addition charge and large window view to explore grassland,river and mountain through out your journey.
Travel Nepal tourist bus (25$)
Travel Nepal tourist bus is designed to make your journey comfortable. It has Luxury sofa seat, inside rest room, full air condition, free wifi , lunch according to your need and big window you can explore panoramic view of nature to make your journey memorable.

Mountain Overland tourist bus – (Kathmandu to Pokhara to Chitwan and Kathmandu) (one way 15$)
Mountain Overland tourist bus is daily tourist bus service from Kathmandu to pokhara to Chitwan and Kathmandu.It has clean,comfortable seat with air condition and free wifi.

Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus Route:
Sorakhutte is tourist bus leaving point in Kathmandu which located 5 minute walking distance from centre thamel.In pokhara tourist bus park is 15 minute walking distance from lake side which is tourist hub of pokhara. Tourist bus rote in Kathmandu - Sorakhutte – Balaju – Banasthali – Swayambhu – Kalanki. You may catch the bus nearby the en-route location.
You can make booking tourist bus ticket from Kathmandu to Pokhara by email or t or sending a message through Viber or Whatsapp (+977 9849212812).
Tourist Bus Facilities
Deluxe Tourist Bus
Air-condition, WIFI & a bottle of mineral water.
Super Deluxe Tourist Bus
Air-condition, WIFI & a bottle of mineral water.
VIP Deluxe & VIP Super Tourist Bus
Air-condition, WIFI, a bottle of mineral water & Lunch.
NOTE: The Super Deluxe Tourist Bus is newer, more conformable and specious then Deluxe Tourist Bus.
Sorhakhutte Tourist Bus Park Location Map (West from Sorhakhutte Taxi Stand – near Thamel)

Pokhara to Kathmandu Tourist Bus Timing
Deluxe Bus
07:00 AM
Tourist Bus Park, Pokhara
If you need more details for booking bus service contact in what app 9779849212812